VCFSE Full Partner Member Recruitment to the ICB Board

The Cheshire and Merseyside VCFSE Health and Care Leaders Group and the Integrated Care Board (ICB) have formally and proudly agreed that our sector should be a full partner member.

Previously we have been a participant in the ICB but this change recognises the work and potential of the sector emphatically outlined through the VCFSE Health and Care Transformation Programme (led by VSNW in partnership) and the Cheshire and Merseyside State of the Sector Report 2023. 

Consequently, the VCFSE Leadership Group and the ICB are looking for applications from VCFSE leaders for this role. This unique opportunity will see you working alongside the Chair, non-executives, executive directors, and other partner members as an equal voting member of a unitary board. Given this, connections to the wider sector and our VCSE Alliance governance structures will be a priority. 

Your role will be integral in promoting board governance, securing wide contribution, and bringing a unique constituency perspective. You will also be involved in strategic planning, transformation, fostering partnerships, promoting social justice, health equality, and ensuring sustainable outcomes.

Key Responsibilities:

  • Connecting to the VCFSE Alliance structures

  • Setting strategy and delivering long-term transformation

  • Building trusted relationships with partners and communities

  • Leading for Social Justice and health equality

  • Driving high quality, sustainable outcomes

  • Providing robust governance and assurance

  • Creating a compassionate and inclusive culture for our people

The expected time commitment required for this position will be in the range of 2 to 3 days per month.

Interested candidates are encouraged to submit their applications as soon as possible. The final date for applications is 22nd July 2024. To apply, please complete the application form provided in Appendix Five below and return it to by the closing date.

A VCFSE panel will assess applications. The panel will be chaired by Ellen Loudon, Co-vice chair of the Health and Care Partnership.

We look forward to receiving your applications and wish you the best of luck!

Partner Members Cover Letter

Appendix One: Role Description and Required Competencies

Appendix Two: Eligibility and Disqualification Criteria

Appendix Three: ICB Board and Committee Schematic and Meeting Calendar 2024 - 2025

Appendix Four: Conflicts of Interest Summary

Appendix Five: Application Form


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